Sarah Floyd and the Gospel

So a lot has changed over the past month! I don’t remember when i sent my last group email, bear with me.

Here I am in the heart of Long Beach and I absolutely love it here. There are so many different cultures and ethnicities, it’s incredible. how grateful I am the Lord created each of His children differently, because it makes the world a lot more interesting.
My new companion and I have been working hard to help all that we can learn about their SaviorRight now we are working with three amazing women who are simply trying to turn their lives around.
The first is Sarah Floyd. Sarah has been trying for years to stop her different addictions and because of the choices she has made, has had some pretty terrible consequences. She has lived a hard life, but recently met missionaries on the street and decided to talk to them. She grew up believing in God but it has been years since she has bee close with God. As she has been taught about God and about His plan for her, she has received a new light. She has literally grown brighter. She has more hope and more faith and she owes it all to the Book of Mormon. As we were reading in Alma 26, she came across a verse that says, ” Who could have supposed that our God would have been so merciful as to have snatched us from our awful, sinful, and polluted state?” She began to cry as she explained how the things that she has done have left her feeling weighted and unclean and how as she has read and prayed and she has gone to church she has felt those burdens lifted off her shoulders. She will be getting baptized this Saturday!
Being a missionary is an incredible experience. i love being able to hear someone pray for the first time, or to open the scriptures for the first time, or to experience God’s love for the very first time. God is mindful of every people, every person, and He is aware of our needs. Remember that.
Also crazy experience, I got to talk to Collin Davis on the phone all the way in Johannesburg! He just happened to be in the mission office in Johannesburg, South Africa at the same exact time we were calling. The world is so small.
Have a wonderful week!
Sister Lydia Foster

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